Revival Ministries

Revival Ministries

The Revival Ministries of GEMS revives the churches & the believers to fulfil God’s purpose & the Great Commission. The initiatives of Revival Ministries help the believers to live out their faith & for churches to fulfil God’s mission.

Revival meetings reach the Christian masses in places where there are sizable presence of Christians. These meetings are organized and attended by Christians across churches and denominations. Specially focused Revival Teams are presently involved in reviving the churches.

The Revival Ministries of GEMS is also done through PROFIT (PROfessionals Fellowship of International Talents) which was started in 2006. PROFIT helps believers to actively & effectively be a witness at their workplaces & to fulfil God’s mission through their profession. 34 PROFIT chapters functioning globally, with 30 PROFIT leaders. PROFIT functions in 5 Countries, 12 Cities with 34 Chapters & 30 PROFIT Leaders. 300 professionals are involved and 10,000 have been influenced so far through PROFIT.

(Hindi Churches Alliance) unites the churches among the Hindi speaking people to envision & empower them towards finishing the task of the Great Commission. 400 affiliated churches from 10 states of India are united through HiChal.

Revival Ministries of GEMS is also done through SMEP (Students Mission Exposure Program) started in 2005. 375 students have visited the mission fields thru this program.