Humanitarian Services
Humanitarian Services
The fulfilment of the dream what Lord Jesus put into Sis.Rupelekha Jebakumar has seen the establishment of GEMS humanitarian service as a beacon of Love and Hope to the deprived, disadvantaged, exploited, destitute and homeless thousand under its care. Her marriage with Bro.Augustine Jebakumar in the year 1974, who already had a specific calling to show God’s love to the people of Bihar, enabled this vision becoming a possibility in the year 1980.
In 1980, an orphanage for 15 children with the objective to care for every child in a very personal way was established. This decision turned out to be historic in the pages of GEMS, as there followed a series of initiatives by GEMS humanitarian Services.
Drawing inspiration and direction from the life and teaching of Lord Jesus Christ, GEMS Humanitarian Service strives to emulate His pattern and model of service in everything it does. GEMS humanitarian service proffers a loving heart towards the suffering and contributes meaningfully to their lives. GEMS gave birth to the approach of instituting ‘Homes’ as fundamental block of bringing about wholesome transformation into such lives.48 different Children Homes are currently functioning in GEMS which includes Homes for the abused, abandoned, exploited. Home for physically handicapped. Homes for children from tribal territories. Homes for children of commercial sex workers. Homes for children of missionaries.
GEMS also targets and brings about wholesome village transformation through its several development-oriented societal projects. 6 Village Transformation Projects are in place currently. A complete under-privileged village is adopted for total reformation and community development. Education, Health care, vocational training and self-help livelihood options are offered. Apart from this, 2 Social Reformation Projects are also a part of GEMS Humanitarian service.
Women Empowerment Movement works towards making women active change agents and influencers of families and societies at large. GEMS also facilitates in drilling wells in needy places
GEMS also facilitates Polio corrective surgeries periodically. Disaster relief health camps are also conducted during natural calamities.
Through all its banner institutions GEMS Humanitarian Services, currently adds meaning to more than a hundred thousand lives regularly.